For those who understand the value of keeping their money aside in order to build it for investment or accumulate it for the purchase of an asset, then this is the account you have been looking for. It is a fee-based savings account that encourages deposits and earns a return to clients. The money is safe, works for the owner while they sleep and above all, is accessible any time one wants to use it.
Monthly return of 0.01% upon maintenance of minimum balance of SSP 100 million
Free digital access for account management
Can be opened in SSP or USD
Free deposit
Access to micro-loans* (Terms and conditions apply)
National identity card
Tax registration certificate
Duly filled account opening form
2 passport photos
Proof of source of funds
Board resolution
A certificate of incorporation
Memorandum and articles of association
Certificate of Chamber of Commerce
Tax registration certificate
Trading license
Directors’ passport photos
KYC documents for directors/signatories (IDs or valid passports)